Investment Casting

Investment casting, or lost wax, is a highly accurate metallic casting procedure in which thin-walled, complex shapes and forms can be manufactured. It is much like a plastic casting where an exact wax model of the intended product is made followed by coating with a layer of ceramic material. The wax is then melted thus creating a cavity in the ceramic shell. This cavity is the final mold where molten metal is poured to form the final product.

The Investment Casting Process

  • Pattern Creation: It involves making a wax pattern that gives an exact form of the required part.
  • Ceramic Coating: The wax pattern is coated with fire-resistant material layer by layer.
  • Wax Removal: These coated patterns, with wax immersed in them, are heated to melt and then allow the wax to drain leaving a ceramic mold.
  • Metal Pouring: Molten metal is then ladled into the ceramic molds.
  • Cooling and Solidification: The metal with the help of this machine cools and solidifies in the specified form of the mold.
  • Shell Removal: After the casting process, the ceramic shell is taken off to obtain the final casting.
  • Cleaning and Finishing: The cast also goes through a cleaning and finishing process to get the right surface finish and dimensions.

Advantages of Investment Casting

  • High Precision: Creates output with a high degree of dimensional control and fine numbers and lines engraved on the part.
  • Complex Shapes: Can produce prototypes with fine details, cavities, recesses, grooves, undercuts, and thin walls.
  • Smooth Surface Finish: Provide a very fine surface finish, sometimes requiring little or no further finishing work.
  • Material Versatility: Ideal for most types of metal including stainless steel, aluminum, brass, and bronze among others.
  • Minimal Waste: Accuracy and versatility in use and the ability to use less material as compared to other types of casting processes.

Applications of Investment Casting

Investment casting is widely used in various industries due to its precision and versatility:

  • Aerospace
  • Automotive
  • Medical
  • Dental
  • Jewelry
  • Turbine blades
  • Firearms components

Comparison with Other Casting Methods`

Investment casting stands out to be more effective in creating intricate sections of casting with accurate dimensions than sand casting. Still, due to higher quality and less machining involved, the higher cost is usually justified.

Investment casting is one of the most important manufacturing processes when it comes to creating components with specific metal properties. The choice of many industries lies in its versatility of making complex shapes with fine surface finishes.

Industries We serve

Automobile Industry

The automobile industry relies heavily on custom-made casting parts for its functionality and innovation. These parts, created using molds for intricate shapes, are essential for engines, transmissions, and other core components.

Aerospace Industry

Custom-made casting parts are the backbone of the high-tech aerospace industry. Their ability to take complex shapes makes them ideal for crafting lightweight yet strong airframes, jet engine components, and other critical structures within aircraft.

Oil And Gas Industry

This industry is growing rapidly. We have used alloys to manufacture our custom made casting parts. It provides strength and corrosion resistance to valves, pumps and wallheads.

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